Refreshing & fruity

Fruity fruit

Refreshing & fruity

I noticed recently that Sainsbury’s describe their raspberries as “refreshing & fruity”.  Fruity fruit! Really?!  Since when?

A few possibilities ran through my head when I first saw this: 

  1. The person responsible for raspberry marketing at Sainsbury’s was in a rush to get home for the weekend.
  2. We’ve become like the kids in Jamie Oliver’s school dinners TV programme who couldn’t recognise common foodstuffs and need reminding that raspberries aren’t meaty.  Or cheesy.
  3. There is some work of sheer marketing genius at play here that I don’t understand that’s speaking to me on a subconscious level…

In the Strategic Brand Management session today Dr Baskin reminded us of the backlash against the London 2012 Olympic Logo when it was launched back in 2007.

london 2012 logo

Whether intended or not, the media attention for this striking image provided a great platform for Seb Coe and the organising committee to fill the “empty container” of the logo with the real brand values behind the image by talking about what it meant to them.

Indeed, Brand Consultancy Wolff Olins said their 2012 logo was deliberately “designed to be populated” in their case study, avoiding strong regional, cultural, and sporting associations “so it is recognisable enough for everyone to feel and be part of London 2012.”  Love it or hate it, the logo is now hugely recognisable.

So were Sainsbury’s being deliberately simplistic in their raspberry labelling, leaving consumers to fill the “empty container” with their own fruity experiences?

What do you think?

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Rob is a consultant, technologist, facilitator and outdoorsman. He lives with his wife in Henley-on-Thames.

2 thoughts on “Fruity fruit”

  1. Looks like Sainsberries are calling a spade a spade

    In fact Id now like to go to their sister store to see how they package their digging implements – maybe the Spades are labeled ‘Metallic & diggy’

    (Just what *do* Marketeers do all day?)

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